Greetings District 5150 Rotarians!
Welcome to the month of February, the month in which we traditionally recognize those special people in our lives (February 14), and our United States Presidents, past, present, and future (this year on February 15).  
Presidents’ Day was officially established in the late 1870’s (Unofficially for most of the 1800’s honoring George Washington). This day became popularly known as it moved to a federal holiday in 1971, the first to celebrate individual Americans. In 1983, Martin Luther King, JR. Day was signed into law, was the second.
This year, let’s celebrate our current Rotary Club Presidents on this day too!  We are blessed by their leadership and resilience as they guide us through these most challenging times. 
This month is also Rotary International Peace and Conflict Resolution Month.  May we continue to strive for PEACE in all that we do, as we serve our community here and abroad. 

With gratitude,
Mary Marie Bates
Rotary Club of Foster City
District 5150 Governor 
Rotary International 

Happy New Year!
As we closed the door on 2020 and welcome in 2021, our District 5150 Rotarians, friends and family kicked off this new year with a world-wide club-driven service project to Cleanup Our World! This service project was quite unique due to the selfless efforts of our District global club membership.  Please enjoy this short video in celebration of them. 
May this year bring you all more hope with the new vaccine inoculations, and revitalize us as we continue to shift our service for the betterment of our community, here and throughout our world!

With gratitude,
Mary Marie Bates
Rotary Club of Foster City
District 5150 Governor 
Rotary International