Happy New Rotary Year. Each month a short video will be made available to you with updated news and information about upcoming events. Here is the message for July:

I would like to highlight the Summer Celebration – a Rotary District 5150 Picnic to be held on August 26. The downloadable PDF flyer provides information on the fun we’ll have, a BBQ, games galore and fun and fellowship.

To help Celebrate Summer, Clubs are encouraged to subsidize the costs for Interactors, Youth Exchange Students or Rotaractors. We ask that you widely publicize the August 26 Picnic. We have shared this invitation on our District website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to make it easy to share with family and friends. We hope to see you there!


Thank you for your ongoing dedication and commitment to Rotary!

Jayne Hulbert
District Governor
Rotary District 5150